Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский

redneck (noun)

  • 1 redneck

    noun disdain.
    неотесанный человек, деревенщина
    * * *
    белый батрак; неотесанный человек, деревенщина
    * * *
    n. неотесанный человек, деревенщина
    * * *
    амер. белый батрак (в южных штатах); пренебр. неотесанный человек

    Новый англо-русский словарь > redneck

  • 2 bigot

    1. n слепой приверженец, фанатик, изувер
    2. n амер. расист
    3. n ист. ханжа
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. dogmatist (noun) diehard; doctrinaire; dogmatist; monomaniac; partisan; puritan
    2. enthusiast (noun) bug; enthusiast; fanatic; fiend; freak; maniac; nut; zealot
    3. redneck (noun) chauvinist; crank; extremist; intolerant; male chauvinist pig; narrow-minded person; opinionated person; racist; redneck; sexist

    English-Russian base dictionary > bigot

  • 3 male chauvinist pig

    ирон. сторонник дискриминации женщин
    Синонимический ряд:
    redneck (noun) bigot; extremist; fanatic; intolerant; narrow-minded person; opinionated person; racist; redneck; sexist

    English-Russian base dictionary > male chauvinist pig

  • 4 racist

    n расист
    Синонимический ряд:
    redneck (noun) bigot; extremist; fanatic; intolerant; male chauvinist pig; narrow-minded person; opinionated person; redneck; sexist

    English-Russian base dictionary > racist

  • 5 sexist

    Синонимический ряд:
    redneck (noun) bigot; extremist; fanatic; intolerant; male chauvinist pig; narrow-minded person; opinionated person; racist; redneck

    English-Russian base dictionary > sexist

  • 6 clown

    1. n клоун
    2. n шут
    3. n неотёсанный парень; деревенщина
    4. n грубиян, хам
    5. v дурачиться, строить из себя шута
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. boor (noun) boor; chuff; churl; clodhopper; grobian; mucker
    2. clumsy person (noun) bimbo; booby; bozo; clumsy person; goofball; lout; lummox; oaf; yahoo
    3. humorist (noun) buffoon; comedian; cut-up; fool; harlequin; humorist; jester; merry-andrew; mime
    4. rustic (noun) backwoodsman; bucolic; bumpkin; chawbacon; country jake; countryman; greenhorn; hayseed; hick; hillbilly; hillman; hoosier; jake; jay; joskin; mossback; mountaineer; peasant; provincial; redneck; rube; rustic; woodsy; yap; yokel
    5. wit (noun) comic; cutup; farceur; joker; jokester; wag; wit; zany
    6. joke (verb) banter; cut up; fool around; jest; joke; kid around; play pranks; play the fool

    English-Russian base dictionary > clown

  • 7 clodhopper

    1. n неодобр. деревенщина; мужлан
    2. n увалень, неповоротливый, неотёсанный парень
    3. n грубые, тяжёлые башмаки
    4. n амер. разг. «старая калоша»
    5. n амер. разг. местный транспорт
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. boor (noun) boor; chuff; churl; clown; grobian; mucker
    2. clodhoppers (noun) clodhoppers; combat boots; construction boots; hiking shoes
    3. rustic (noun) backwoodsman; bucolic; bumpkin; chawbacon; country bumpkin; country jake; countryman; greenhorn; hayseed; hick; hillbilly; hillman; hoosier; jake; jay; joskin; klutz; lubber; mossback; mountaineer; peasant; provincial; redneck; rube; rustic; swain; unrefined person; woodsy; yap; yokel

    English-Russian base dictionary > clodhopper

  • 8 yap

    1. n лай, тявканье
    2. n разг. брехня, болтовня
    3. n сл. брюзга, придира
    4. n сл. горлопан, горлодёр
    5. n сл. трепло
    6. n сл. хулиган
    7. n сл. хам, грубиян
    8. n сл. мужлан, деревенщина
    9. n сл. сл. рот, пасть

    keep your yap shut — помалкивай, закрой пасть

    10. v лаять, тявкать; брехать
    11. v разг. огрызаться; ворчать, брюзжать
    12. v сл. брехать, лаяться
    13. v сл. болтать, трепаться

    they are always yapping about life — они всё время говорят «за жизнь»

    Синонимический ряд:
    1. dog sound (noun) bark; bow-wow; dog noise; dog sound; grunt; howl; woof
    2. rustic (noun) backwoodsman; bucolic; bumpkin; chawbacon; clodhopper; clown; country jake; countryman; greenhorn; hayseed; hick; hillbilly; hillman; hoosier; jake; jay; joskin; mossback; mountaineer; peasant; provincial; redneck; rube; rustic; woodsy; yokel
    3. yelp (noun) squeal; yelp; yip
    4. chatter (verb) chatter; gossip; prattle
    5. yip (verb) bark; squeal; yelp; yip

    English-Russian base dictionary > yap

  • 9 countryman

    1. n земляк, соотечественник
    2. n сельский житель, селянин; крестьянин
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. citizen (noun) citizen; compatriot; fellow citizen; inhabitant; native
    2. rustic (noun) backwoodsman; bucolic; bumpkin; chawbacon; clodhopper; clown; country jake; farmer; greenhorn; hayseed; hick; hillbilly; hillman; hoosier; husbandman; jake; jay; joskin; mossback; mountaineer; peasant; provincial; rancher; redneck; rube; rustic; woodsy; yap; yokel
    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > countryman

  • 10 goon

    1. n сл. тупица, болван
    2. n сл. неловкий, неуклюжий человек
    3. n сл. амер. наёмный бандит, головорез

    reporters beaten up by police goons — репортёры, избитые наёмниками полиции

    4. n сл. хулиган, громила
    5. n сл. штрейкбрехер
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. fool (noun) blockhead; dolt; dunce; fool; lout; nincompoop; oaf
    2. thug (noun) bodyguard; bully; heavy; muscle; redneck; roughneck; strikebreaker; thug; tough

    English-Russian base dictionary > goon

  • 11 greenhorn

    n новичок, неопытный человек
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. inexperienced (adj.) callow; green; immature; inexperienced; novice; unsophisticated; untrained; youthful
    2. inexperienced person (noun) amateur; apprentice; beginner; dude; inexperienced person; neophyte; new hand; newcomer; novice; rookie
    3. rustic (noun) backwoodsman; bucolic; bumpkin; chawbacon; clodhopper; clown; country jake; countryman; hayseed; hick; hillbilly; hillman; hoosier; jake; jay; joskin; mossback; mountaineer; peasant; provincial; redneck; rube; rustic; woodsy; yap; yokel
    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > greenhorn

  • 12 peasant

    1. n крестьянин
    2. n пренебр. деревенщина, мужик, хам
    3. n пренебр. мещанин, обыватель, невежда
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. bucolic (adj.) bucolic; provincial; rustic
    2. commoner (noun) bucolic; commoner; countryman; farm worker; farmer; kulak; laborer; plebeian; plebian; provincial; rancher; serf
    3. rustic (noun) backwoodsman; bumpkin; chawbacon; clodhopper; clown; country jake; greenhorn; hayseed; hick; hillbilly; hillman; hoosier; jake; jay; joskin; mossback; mountaineer; redneck; rube; rustic; woodsy; yap; yokel
    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > peasant

  • 13 bucolic

    1. n обыкн. буколика
    2. n буколический поэт
    3. n шутл. сельский житель
    4. a буколический; пасторальный
    5. a сельский
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. rural (adj.) agrarian; agrestic; Arcadian; campestral; countrified; country; describing persons; homey; out-country; outland; pastoral; provincial; rural; rustic
    2. rustic (noun) backwoodsman; bumpkin; chawbacon; clodhopper; clown; country jake; countryman; farmer; greenhorn; hayseed; hick; hillbilly; hillman; hoosier; jake; jay; joskin; mossback; mountaineer; peasant; provincial; rancher; redneck; rube; rustic; woodsy; yap; yokel

    English-Russian base dictionary > bucolic

  • 14 bumpkin

    n неотёсанный парень, мужлан, деревенщина
    Синонимический ряд:
    rustic (noun) backwoodsman; boor; bucolic; chawbacon; clodhopper; clown; country bumpkin; country jake; countryman; greenhorn; hayseed; hick; hillbilly; hillman; hoosier; jake; jay; joskin; klutz; lubber; mossback; mountaineer; peasant; provincial; redneck; rube; rustic; unrefined person; woodsy; yap; yokel
    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > bumpkin

  • 15 hick

    1. n амер. сл. провинциал; деревенщина
    2. a амер. сл. провинциальный, захолустный
    3. n редк. икота
    4. n редк. запинка, запинание в речи
    5. v редк. икать
    Синонимический ряд:
    rustic (noun) backwoodsman; boor; bucolic; bumpkin; chawbacon; clodhopper; clown; country bumpkin; country jake; countryman; greenhorn; hayseed; hillbilly; hillman; hoosier; jake; jay; joskin; klutz; lubber; mossback; mountaineer; peasant; provincial; redneck; rube; rustic; unrefined person; woodsy; yap; yokel

    English-Russian base dictionary > hick

  • 16 hillbilly

    1. n амер. разг. горец, бедняк
    2. a амер. разг. деревенский
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. secluded (adj.) backwoods; countrified; country; forsaken; isolated; remote; rustic; secluded; woodsy
    2. rustic (noun) backwoodsman; bucolic; bumpkin; chawbacon; clodhopper; clown; country jake; countryman; greenhorn; hayseed; hick; hillman; hoosier; jake; jay; joskin; mossback; mountaineer; peasant; provincial; redneck; rube; rustic; woodsy; yap; yokel

    English-Russian base dictionary > hillbilly

  • 17 jay

    1. n зоол. ронжа, сойка
    2. n надоедливый болтун; балаболка
    3. n безвкусно одетая женщина
    4. n простак; деревенщина
    5. n амер. щёголь
    6. n сл. сигарета с марихуаной
    Синонимический ряд:
    rustic (noun) backwoodsman; bucolic; bumpkin; chawbacon; clodhopper; clown; country jake; countryman; greenhorn; hayseed; hick; hillbilly; hillman; hoosier; jake; joskin; mossback; mountaineer; peasant; provincial; redneck; rube; rustic; woodsy; yap; yokel

    English-Russian base dictionary > jay

  • 18 mountaineer

    1. n горец
    2. n альпинист; горовосходитель, восходитель
    3. n ист. монтаньяр
    4. v совершать восхождение на горы, лазить по горам
    Синонимический ряд:
    rustic (noun) backwoodsman; bucolic; bumpkin; chawbacon; clodhopper; clown; country jake; countryman; greenhorn; hayseed; hick; hillbilly; hillman; hoosier; jake; jay; joskin; mossback; peasant; provincial; redneck; rube; rustic; woodsy; yap; yokel

    English-Russian base dictionary > mountaineer

  • 19 provincial

    1. n провинциал; провинциалка
    2. n церк. архиепископ

    provincial court — епархиальный суд, провинциальный суд архиепископа

    3. n церк. настоятель
    4. a провинциальный; периферийный
    5. a местный

    provincial or local word — местное слово, провинциализм, диалектизм

    6. a пренебр. простоватый; ограниченный; провинциальный

    actor wasted on provincial audiences — актёр, загубивший свой талант в провинциальных театрах

    7. a ист. относящийся к английским провинциям в Америке
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. gauche (adj.) gauche; ill-bred; uncouth; unrefined
    2. insular (adj.) insular; intolerant; limited; narrow; narrow-minded; parochial; prejudiced; sectarian; small-town
    3. local (adj.) local; regional; territorial
    4. rural (adj.) agrestic; Arcadian; backwoods; bucolic; campestral; countrified; country; hillbilly; hinterland; homespun; out-country; outland; pastoral; rural; rustic; unpolished
    5. rustic (noun) backwoodsman; bucolic; bumpkin; chawbacon; clodhopper; clown; country jake; countryman; greenhorn; hayseed; hick; hillbilly; hillman; hoosier; jake; jay; joskin; mossback; mountaineer; peasant; redneck; rube; rustic; woodsy; yap; yokel
    Антонимический ряд:
    foreign; refined; tolerant; urbane

    English-Russian base dictionary > provincial

  • 20 Rube

    1. n Руб
    2. n амер. прост. деревенщина
    Синонимический ряд:
    rustic (noun) backwoodsman; bucolic; bumpkin; chawbacon; clodhopper; clown; country jake; countryman; greenhorn; hayseed; hick; hillbilly; hillman; hoosier; jake; jay; joskin; mossback; mountaineer; peasant; provincial; redneck; rustic; woodsy; yap; yokel

    English-Russian base dictionary > Rube

См. также в других словарях:

  • redneck — ► NOUN N. Amer. informal, derogatory ▪ a working class white person from the southern US, especially a politically conservative one …   English terms dictionary

  • redneck — noun Date: 1830 1. sometimes disparaging a white member of the Southern rural laboring class 2. often disparaging a person whose behavior and opinions are similar to those attributed to rednecks • redneck also rednecked adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • redneck — noun (C) AmE informal a man who lives in a country area of the US, is uneducated, and may have strong unreasonable opinions redneck adjective …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • redneck — noun a) An uneducated, unsophisticated, or poor white person, typically used to describe residents (of either gender) of the rural US. b) The nickname given to miners who wore red bandanas for identification during the West Virginia mine war of… …   Wiktionary

  • redneck — noun N. Amer. informal, derogatory a working class white person from the southern US, especially a politically conservative one. Derivatives rednecked adjective …   English new terms dictionary

  • redneck — Noun. A bigoted narrow minded person. Originally an American term for a ruralised bigot …   English slang and colloquialisms

  • redneck — UK [ˈredˌnek] / US noun [countable] Word forms redneck : singular redneck plural rednecks offensive a working class white person from the southern US, especially one who is not educated and does not like people who are not white Derived word:… …   English dictionary

  • redneck — red|neck [ red,nek ] noun count OFFENSIVE a working class white person from the southern U.S., especially one who is not educated and does not like people who are not white ╾ red|neck adjective: a redneck bar …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • redneck — /ˈrɛdnɛk/ (say rednek) noun 1. a prejudiced, narrow minded person. 2. US Colloquial a southern US white farm labourer, especially one who is ill educated or ignorant. –adjective 3. relating to rednecks, especially in relation to political views:… …  

  • Bubba — noun Etymology: from Bubba, a stereotypical nickname of Southern white males Date: 1979 often disparaging redneck …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cracker — noun /ˈkrækə(r)/ a) A dry, thin, crispy, and usually salty or savory biscuit. Shes an absolute cracker! The show was a cracker! b) …   Wiktionary

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